Our angel baby |
Today marks 2 weeks since Susannah was born and 1 week until her due date! What a whirlwind the past 2 weeks have been. I couldn't be more thankful that our baby loves to eat, loves to sleep, and REALLY loves to poop. She thinks it's hilarious - get this - to poop just enough to necessitate a diaper change; wait until the chosen diaper-changer has the soiled diaper off her little bum; then let loose on all the poopy she was holding in to see just how talented said diaper-changer is in catching it all with a clean diaper, wipes, or bare hands (depending on how prepared he/she was going into the changing). During today's version of this scenario, Susannah successfully pooped in 3 different diapers in less than 3 minutes. Maybe less than 2. Yes, we know, she's extremely talented and advanced among the rest.
I still think back over the events that took place 2 weeks ago on a daily basis, and I realized the other day that I never gave some props where props were due. The internet gives you all these checklists of things to do in each month of pregnancy, and I didn't do pretty much any of them until about month 8. So about a week prior to the day we went into labor, I had drawn up a birth plan, written scriptures on notecards, gathered DVDs and other "comfort" objects, and had every intention of talking with Pete about what his role would probably need to look like once it was go-time. I never did get around to that last one, outside of telling him I would not want him hovering all lovey-dovey over me like the husbands in our childbirth class video. Looking back, I really don't know what I would have asked Pete to do or not do - I had absolutely no clue what was coming, nor did he. The Lord granted Pete discernment that day and gave him the exact words to say and the exact things to do at the exact moments that I needed them. With each contraction, Pete reminded me that it was "one more down." And during a contraction, he would say, "Just a few more seconds, Sal. You can do it, just a few more seconds." And he recited scripture from memory to me because the notecards I wrote previously never made it out of the suitcase. And he let me grip his arm when necessary. And held the oxygen mask to my face between pushing. And told me over and over again how proud he was of me. And prayed for all 3 of us.
We both knew what my role was for that day: woman who pushes baby out. But as for Pete's, who would have known beforehand that I needed any of that from him? I am so thankful that I married a man who prays! And one who is receptive to the Lord's instruction in his life. Little Susannah's first definition of her heavenly Father is going to come from what she sees in her earthly father, and I do believe it will be a great and wonderful association.
And without further ado, some preciousness:
A short video of the Hiccup Queen. There is nothing exciting here, just little girl hiccupping, which I find absolutely adorable now that she's no longer afflicted with them in the womb.
And some pics:
It's hard to see, but her hair after a bath is hilarious! It will not comb down regardless of any adult efforts. I think we may have some curly locks on our hands. |
Daddy snuggling with Baby Girl in the blanket he was wrapped in as a mere babe! |
Sunbathing for some Vitamin D and showing off the fact that she, in fact, has a belly button! |
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