Monday, March 3, 2014

4 Months

Our little Susie Girl belly-laughed for the first time last week, and it was the best thing I've ever heard.  She's been making the laugh-noise for a few weeks now, but it was always unintentional and random.  On Thursday, I was nibbling on her fingers (sorry, fingies), and she began legitimately laughing!  Each time I'd put her fingers near my mouth, she would let out this adorable giggle, followed by a squeal of delight.  I promise you, I almost started crying--she has the most perfect little laugh!

This week in pictures:

When Susannah first wakes up from a nap, we like to talk to her for a few minutes before picking her up, and she always immediately clasps her hands and tells us a million different things in her own little language.  

"What?  You act like this isn't where I sleep or something..."

She loves her Bumbo seat, which is why she's in it in 3 of the pics this week!

We have the most adorable centerpiece.

Angel Baby.  She actually enjoyed her bath for the VERY FIRST TIME on Saturday!

"Ugh, not in front of my friends, Mom!"

Little Miss Blue Eyes

There's this amazing book called Feminine Appeal: Seven Virtues of a Godly Wife and Mother by Carolyn Mahaney, and it is my new favorite.  It's a short read that is packed full of encouragement, challenges, and convictions that you can find in Titus 2:4-5.  In the chapter on loving our children, Mahaney writes:
[Our children's salvation] is the chief end of mothering.  Our goal is not that our children be happy, fulfilled, and successful.  Granted, we may desire these things for them.  But our highest objective should be that our children repent from their sins, put their trust in Jesus Christ, and reflect the gospel to the world around them.
What a high calling!  We cannot pray or force Susannah to salvation, but we can pray that her heart may be opened to it as she grows and that Pete and I can show her the Gospel through our love for her as often as we are able.  Let's pray for Susannah's salvation this week.

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