Friday, April 25, 2014

Roosters, Rolling, and Real Food

Roosters, you ask? I thought they bought 4 hens...  Well, we thought that, too, until last Friday when one of our hens crowed.  That's right, one of our shes might just be a he.  He/she hasn't crowed just once either.  He/she lets out a few bellowing cock-a-doodle-doos every morning now and sporadically throughout the day.  The darn thing is even beginning to look like a rooster (see above).  Needless to say, here in a few weeks if our suspicions prove to be true (they are) we will be eating some fresh-out-the-coop crockpot chicken.  We have similar suspicions, though not as strong and sure, about another of our chickens (you might spy the other in the above pic), but our fingers are crossed she's just an "athletic" hen.

As for Susannah, the past couple weeks have included some exciting changes: we have started her on solid foods and she learned how to roll over!  She can only roll from tummy to back right now, but she is really close to being able to go all the way around.  In regards to her food, we first attempted rice cereal, which she didn't take to very well.  After reading a little more about what foods you can introduce when, we decided to try some apples, bananas, avocados, and sweet potatoes!  She loves everything except for the apples.  We'll have to try those again sometime soon.

Lots of pictures because it's been so long since my last post!

First rice cereal attempts.  More interested in chewing on the spoon than the food the spoon brought.

LOVES sweet potatoes!

But she loves avocados the most!

She gets confused sometimes and tries to eat her bib...

...and drink like a big girl (she really does love "drinking" from a cup these days).

I mean, seriously.

We don't exactly fit inside Daddy's jacket anymore...

Always so happy to wake up!
Holding Daddy's hand while taking a snooze
Our attempt at an Easter picture.  Self-timers don't work well with babies and every one we took was extremely over-exposed.  So this is the best we got!

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