Figgy and Aunt Sarah came to spend a couple days with us last week after Mom and Dad left, and we had a great time! Susannah got to show them all her new tricks (sitting, scooting, babbling, blowing raspberries, etc.), and we're beginning to discover how much of a little ham she is when new people are around. Our guests brought a delicious wild-caught salmon to share, which we, of course, enjoyed thoroughly. Unfortunately, they could only stay two nights, so we are very much looking forward to seeing them again in a couple weeks when we head to Harrisonburg for Pops and Pete's fishing tournament!
We've also figured out that Susannah loves all things red. She has especially shown interest in the red puppet himself, Elmo, lately. She hardly watches any TV at all, but occasionally in the evening, I'll pull up some Elmo episodes for her to watch, and she is immediately entranced. She even laughs when Elmo does silly things! What is it about Elmo that ALL kids love so much?
Anywho -- here's a video (courtesy of Figgy) before we get to some pics!
Susannah loves watching Daddy work out (or do anything, for that matter).
My parents got in town on Wednesday and will be heading back to TN tomorrow; Susannah has LOVED having her PopPop and SuSu around to play with! Pete and I have also enjoyed their company and conversation. Mom and I took on another sewing project this week and made my window treatments for the kitchen (pictured below). They turned out great, and I can honestly say that I did 100% of the sewing! Mom is an amazing teacher, and we even had a good time making them -- unlike the last time we sewed together and I had an emotional breakdown over belt loops... Praise the Lord for straight stitches and the absence of pleats, cuffs, zippers, belt loops, buttons, and the like!
LOVE this fabric!
Now that Susannah can sit up and see the world on her own, she has decided she doesn't really love being held. I mean, if you're walking around, she likes it alright, but if everyone is just sitting around, she'd much rather be sitting on her own, amidst her toy selection -- with someone sitting or laying down there with her, of course! I think she wants to be like the big kids! So needless to say, PopPop and SuSu have spent most of their time here kneeling, laying, squatting, or sitting on the floor with that little diva. But she sure is cute, so who's to blame them?
Her feet can touch now!
Sleepy baby = cuddles with Daddy
"Okay, Mom, get me outta here!"
"PopPop, I'll hold my paci and sunglasses if you'll hold Mommy's watch in front of me so I can at least look at it."
Showing SuSu her favorite toy
Just look at those sweet eyes!
Inspecting the tree at the park with SuSu
We love swinging!
One of these zucchinis was hiding for a few extra days...any guesses?
The Sophie Giraffe is the best teether in the world.
One happy babe!
We will be sad to see my parents go tomorrow, but we are so excited for the arrival of Figgy and Aunt Sarah on Wednesday!!
We have had such a fun-filled weekend! To celebrate the amazing daddy Pete is, we went on a Father's Day-Eve family fishing adventure. Turns out, Susannah loves fish. She loved talking to those things and grabbing them and watching them flop around... We were only getting the little guys, so they were the perfect size for our Susie Girl to inspect.
Then on Sunday, Uncle Charlie, Aunt Phyllis, and their granddaughter Cassidy came to visit and meet Susannah! And Beverly, Uncle Charlie's daughter who lives an hour and a half from us, drove over for dinner, too. What a fun time we had visiting with them! It's no surprise that Susannah was entertained by those crazies -- I've told her all the stories of the antics I used to get into with Aunt Phyllis when I was little, so she was pretty excited to meet this lady and her clan. :) They hit the road this morning to head back to easy-living in Florida; we were so thankful that they took the time to stop by our house on their roadtrip!
Showing Aunt Fi-Fi all her toys
Inspecting Uncle Charlie's eyebrows
Cassidy, Aunt Phyllis, and Susie Girl
Other random pictures:
Makeshift baby pool
We were terrified of our giraffe for one day last week.
Self-timer shot #1
Self-timer shot #2. THOSE CHEEKS!
We are looking forward to having PopPop and SuSu here on Wednesday and then Figgy and Aunt Sarah here the following Wednesday! Susannah loves having her family visit, and I love having people who can talk back to me visit. What fun!
Susannah turned 7 months old this week! In celebration of her 7 months, Susannah bit me whilst nursing for the first time and I took her swaddle away for good. We show our affection and appreciation a little differently around here. Seriously though, Susannah is officially swaddle-free, and we are all loving it! She had a rough night the first night she slept without it, but after that, she was back to sleeping 11 hours-ish straight. She's such a big girl now.
We had fun this week making a hilarious video of our little girl that I'm sure you've seen already, as it has been emailed out and posted on Facebook; but here it is again for documentation purposes (and because I have yet to get tired of watching it):
This week in pictures:
Her eyes get prettier every single day, no lie.
Storytime with Daddy
LOVES her bathtub so much she doesn't even need water.
Her new favorite place to sit in the living room
She'll sit down and chat with you if you're sweet enough
7 months!
Playing with her chicken siblings. One of the hens let her touch her!
Charis and Hannah came this weekend, and we had oh-so much fun with them! Pops was able to get away for the weekend, too; he picked the girls up in Richmond to bring them to us and stayed for Friday and Saturday. We were so glad to have all three of them! Susannah LOVES those girls so much; she watched Charis in awe in everything that she did and laughed hysterically each time Hannah even looked her direction. I will let this weekend's pictures (there are a lot) tell about all the fun that was had, but first here are our favorite quotes from the weekend:
"Aunt Sally, you and Uncle Petey boss us around more than Pop." -Charis
After Pete praised Hannah for finishing her dinner: "Uncle Petey, have I ever steered you wrong?"
"I don't want the fan...I don't want anything! I just want Hannah!" -Charis, after Hannah decided she wanted to take a nap in a different room
"Wow, it's been a long time since Uncle Petey mowed the grass..." -Charis
Charis: "Uncle Petey, I just want you, Aunt Sally, Mommy, and Daddy." Pete: "What do you mean, Charis?" Charis: "Well, to live together!"
"When a chicken is laying in her nest to lay her egg, she needs some privacy." -Hannah
(whispering) "I love sugar so much. Sometimes at home, I sneak downstairs, and find the sugar bowl, and just eat a big ole scoop of it! But Mommy doesn't know that..." -Charis (sorry, secret's out...)
The girls "camped out" in the tent in our sunroom both nights and got to watch a movie in there the first night.
Looking for eggs!
Our Saturday morning tea party:
All dressed up! Our friend Ainsley came over for the party, too.
Part of the spread. I sure am glad the girls didn't mind drinking tea from mugs, seeing as I don't have a tea set. And the girls and I picked the flowers on our walk that morning!
Sweets and munchies BEFORE lunch?! Yes, please!
The party moved outside for bubble-blowing (and chasing).
One day Charis will ask me why she chose this outfit...
The little fairy princess
Susannah slept through the big girl party, but had her own little tea party when she woke up! (Pictured with Miss Angie who joined us for the tea party)
I've decided she should wear pearls everyday.
River Fun:
Susannah looks just like Pete; Pete looks just like Pops; and whadya know, Susannah looks just like Pops.
Silly girl!
Susannah helping Pops choose the right lure
Her first fish interaction
Giving each other's feet mud baths
Winding down after a wild time at the river. Susannah was scratching Hannah's leg, and Hannah thought it was the coolest thing.
Last bit of fun:
Sunday selfie!
Mustaches after church! These were anticlimactic. We were all SO excited about them, but for some reason once they were on, no one loved them. Hannie was the only one who would smile for the camea...haha
The weekend was topped off with a Sunday afternoon picnic and a Sunday afternoon nap that we all enjoyed:
Pete then met Mike halfway to return the little girlies and life slowed back down a little bit. But today, I'm discovering I rather liked the pace we had going this weekend and am so looking forward to what the future holds as our family continues to grow (no, not yet...don't you go assuming things.).