Monday, June 23, 2014

Wares In Town!

My parents got in town on Wednesday and will be heading back to TN tomorrow; Susannah has LOVED having her PopPop and SuSu around to play with!  Pete and I have also enjoyed their company and conversation.  Mom and I took on another sewing project this week and made my window treatments for the kitchen (pictured below).  They turned out great, and I can honestly say that I did 100% of the sewing!  Mom is an amazing teacher, and we even had a good time making them -- unlike the last time we sewed together and I had an emotional breakdown over belt loops... Praise the Lord for straight stitches and the absence of pleats, cuffs, zippers, belt loops, buttons, and the like!

LOVE this fabric!
Now that Susannah can sit up and see the world on her own, she has decided she doesn't really love being held.  I mean, if you're walking around, she likes it alright, but if everyone is just sitting around, she'd much rather be sitting on her own, amidst her toy selection -- with someone sitting or laying down there with her, of course!  I think she wants to be like the big kids!  So needless to say, PopPop and SuSu have spent most of their time here kneeling, laying, squatting, or sitting on the floor with that little diva.  But she sure is cute, so who's to blame them?

Her feet can touch now!

Sleepy baby = cuddles with Daddy

"Okay, Mom, get me outta here!"

"PopPop, I'll hold my paci and sunglasses if you'll hold Mommy's watch in front of me so I can at least look at it."

Showing SuSu her favorite toy

Just look at those sweet eyes!
Inspecting the tree at the park with SuSu

We love swinging!

One of these zucchinis was hiding for a few extra days...any guesses?

The Sophie Giraffe is the best teether in the world.
One happy babe!
We will be sad to see my parents go tomorrow, but we are so excited for the arrival of Figgy and Aunt Sarah on Wednesday!!

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