We are obviously thrilled! We would have been excited for another girl, as well, but we definitely did not hide the fact that we both were crossing our fingers for a boy. Someone to carry on the Acker name!
As for Susannah, unless your name is Mommy, Daddy, Elmo, Angie, Baby, Bottle, Bath Time, or Birdie, you shall be called "Ba-Buh." Everything is "ba-buh;" Any noise, any object, any room, any person, any thing. And if you try to tell her what it's actually called, she looks at you like you're insane and continues to call it by its rightful name, Ba-buh.
I think I wrote about this a couple weeks ago, but Susannah got one of her first-year molars about 3 weeks ago, and sometime last week, one of her K-9s came in, too. Poor girl is drooling and gnawing and snotting like crazy, so it's just a matter of time before the next one pops through. She's a trooper, though. Other than being extra attached to me (which is problematic when other people want to play with her... She wants nothing to do with them), her disposition is still sweet and happy.
No pics this week, just our fun announcement! Happy New Year!
Ahhhh, happy news and Happy New Year to you guys! Hugs...