Sunday, September 6, 2015

An(other overdue) Update

Whew, it's tough to find some time to update this thing anymore.  You've got a ton of pictures ahead of you, so go ahead and buckle your seatbelt.

Before the pics though, I need to tell you my newest fitness goal for 2015 in order to hold myself accountable: do something, anything, 5 times a week that is just as taxing as--or more taxing than--getting two babies and a toddler out of a car and into a house and then eventually getting said babies and a toddler out of said house and back into said car.  I did this last week while watching our pastor's baby.  It's a task, man.  Strict requirements of strength, balance, and extra limbs.  How did the Duggars do it??  And we wanted twins...

And now for the ridiculous amount of pictures from the past several weeks:

                                                                                Silly girl in the stroller

Sometimes babies don't care that it's their bedtime.

A new favorite activity

Baby John and Baby Ella are exactly 2 months apart.  While it appears that John is gazing at Ella, he's actually fast asleep...go figure.

John was a favorite at VBS this year!

Porch time with my babes

Pulling donuts and popping wheelies

We went to Harrisonburg! Aunt Sarah and Figgy getting in some baby time

Pete's best friend Matt's little girl, Hannah, and Susannah were fast friends and quick to kill some watermelon.

John's signature look: SURPRISE!

We took the babes to the Rockingham County Fair while in Harrisonburg.  Sus LOVED it.

That Nathanael is sooooo cute!

Saying farewell til we meet again in Kiptopeake!

This is the HAPPIEST baby known to man.

Further proof...

And even more proof.

John's first Auburn game!  He slept through most of it, and didn't miss much.  Susannah didn't, but she was so nice to let her daddy and me watch most of it with only the occasional book-reading or stroller-chasing (our new favorite game) interruption!

It took everything in me to narrow my picture selection down from 1000 pictures to just these highlights...

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