Man, have I been slacking on updating the blog! We've had milestones come and go, trips to see family, and lots of funny stories; and it's just been the toughest finding time to write some of this stuff down with pictures to entertain, as well! Nonetheless, I'm getting down to business tonight and recalling the things I can for your reading pleasure.
We were able to spend Thanksgiving in Harrisonburg with Pete's family again this year, which was a blast. Rip, Carissa, Sydnie, and Maddie all were able to come up from TX again, and (as you can imagine) Susannah played hard-to-get the ENTIRE time and John was their best friend immediately. Those two babes are so different it's hilarious. The Gilberts came a few days after we arrived, and Susannah immediately blossomed into a beautiful, hyper little girl, but kept her smiles and giggles strictly on reserve for girlie time. Shy little stoic girl.
John turned 6 months old while we were there and started solid foods; he was initially not a fan. His first taste was oatmeal, and he did not like it one bit. Once we tried some avocados, though, he began to mostly tolerate food, which is still about where we are now. He still dislikes oatmeal and tolerates fruits and vegetables.
John also got his first two teeth, bottom middles, in early November. I'll save the current tooth-count for Part 2 of my Long Overdue Post, but Boy has been teething like a champ. He drools like crazy and chews on EVERYTHING like crazy and his naps are cut short 95% of the time because of discomfort, but he is still hands-down the happiest baby you've ever seen. He smiles most of the day and is generally pleased with life. I hope that sweet spirit sticks around because I've heard that redheads can be pretty fiery!
And now Part One's pictures:
We totally decorated before Thanksgiving. |
So many caption options here... |
Cooking with Figgy |
His first bite. Such a cute reaction of disgust! |
It was COLD the first few days, and this girl loved it! |
One of my favorite moments ever. After reading this book to Susannah before her nap, she asked to keep looking at it. I said yes and left the room. I went back to check on her about 10 minutes later, and Sweet Girl had fallen asleep reading. Warms this English Major's heart! |
Sydnie and Rip! I hate I didn't get a picture of Maddie and Carissa, too! |
At an overlook in Massanutten |
Might be the cutest picture of them EVER |
My happy boy! |
Basically how Susannah is all the time with Charis and her sisters: she watches and laughs and watches and laughs! |
Thanksgiving family pic |
Possibly the best picture you've ever seen. "Don't look now, but Dad totally needs to XYZ!" |
Now that Thanksgiving has passed, Christmas dresses for the next 5 weeks! |
Part Two will cover December's events!
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