Thursday, June 9, 2016

M&Ms and Hunger Strikes

The last week of May was a whirlwind of fun for us.  First, Pete and I dropped the kids off in Harrisonburg with Figgy and Pops and headed to Baltimore to attend a fancy wedding of some friends.  Super thankful we have two sets of parents who are more than willing to watch the babes so that every now and then Pete and I can party hardy...until 10:00.  ;)
All matchy-matchy at the harbor in Baltimore.
And then all snazzy-snazzy for the wedding!
Pete then headed home to work for the week, and the kids and I stayed on with Pops and Figgy for a few days until my parents came in town to whisk us away to West Virginia where Susannah was the flower girl for our cousin Brooke's wedding!

John Boy got to have his second 1st birthday party for the couple hours of grandparent overlap time in Harrisonburg.  I'm not sure what type of civil injustice occurred, but he had just days before declared a hunger strike and would only eat mac n cheese, PB&J, and fruit; luckily, his stance was not strong enough to keep him from stuffing his face once again with some cake in celebration of turning one.  He resumed his hunger strike following the cake smashing and continued dramatically for the duration of our trip.  Thankfully, he went back to his normal-eater-self immediately upon returning home.  Must've been a homesick little buddy!

Watching some toons with Pop!

I was spying on the master gardeners from the kitchen window as they refilled the birdbath and went flower picking. 

Walking away to cut the cake and John does NOT want it out of his sight!

The hunger strike can wait!

This boy LOVED the Children's Museum in Hburg!

Who wouldn't love a massive Lite Brite?

Susannah got to play at the museum with her buddy Hannah Garst, our friends Matt and Lora's little girl.
Sus did an amazing job as a flower girl in Brooke's wedding; she was stoic as usual, but she walked down the aisle dropping her petals the whole way and immediately asked for her M&Ms when she reached me at the front pew.  My face could have fallen off I was smiling so hard -- I was SO PROUD.  I think reaching Mommy probably would have been prize enough for my little best friend, but Mommy + M&Ms was a sure thing (even though she did have a nanosecond of panic when she saw all the people before she spotted me).

Here is Susannah doing the 100 meter "silly sprint" in our hotel room the first night.

Swim lessons with Dizzy in the hotel pool!

Selfies during the rehearsal with the cutest flower girl known to man.

Best friends!

Wedding ready! .....

John Boy's ready to party at the reception.

Hearts, hearts, and more hearts.

Wedding cupcakes and convos

After finally getting Sus off the dance floor at 9:30 (video below), John immediately fell asleep in the car and did not wake up until the next morning -- not getting out of the carseat, not getting a diaper change, not getting his PJs on.  
And Susannah sure did cut a RUG on the dance floor!  She absolutely owned it for almost 45 minutes.  Anytime anyone asked to dance with her (including Mommy and Daddy), her response was, "No, I dance by myself!"

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