Monday, August 14, 2017

A Hippo Named Boo-Boo Butt

If you've been around us anytime in the past month, you've heard all about the hippo named Boo-Boo Butt.  John is obsessed, and Sus thinks it's hilarious.  Boo-Boo Butt comes from a book that the kids are in love with called The Book With No Pictures - the premise being that this book requires grown-ups to say silly things.  John now says "Boo-Boo Butt" approximately 47 times a day.  A few weeks ago we had some friends over for dinner, and I had a talk with John about not saying Boo-Boo Butt at all while they were here.  I was so proud of that little buddy because he only let it slip past his lips ONCE at dinner time and immediately covered his mouth with his hands.  Shortly after dinner, however, I took him to his room to change his diaper.  As soon as we crossed the threshold and were officially away from our guests for a moment, John, overcome with the urge to speak the best words he's EVER KNOWN EVER, worked Boo-Boo Butt into our 2-minute private conversation 17 times. I love him so much.

Another fun factoid about John: HE'S POTTY TRAINED!!!  John Boy has been in undies for 3 weeks now, and is doing amazingly well.

Susannah has recently been making up stories and songs, many of which have made up words and/or are combinations of stories she's heard.  Tonight's song was enlightening: "I loooove youuuuu.  I looooove youuuuu.  But I reeeealllyyyy love your boooooat!"  Must be all those Jersey Shore re-runs she's been watching.

And our sweet Mary...I've never met a baby as polite as Mary!  She's the easiest little thing to love and care for.  She smiles so much and loves watching her siblings play.  She's sleeping through the night now (7:30ish - 6:30ish) and is happy as a lark upon waking.

I know I'm biased, but I swear I have the best kids in the world.  They love life, most of the time love each other, are sweet to their friends, and are SO sweet to me and Pete.  I cannot hug them tight enough for the love that I feel for each of them!  I know you other parents out there know what I'm talking about.  This baby love is just so unreal.

And so is the amount of pictures you snap of these chirren.  Here are a few from the last couple months!

Got to see some of our favorite Auburn friends while in Harrisonburg back in June!


Mary @ 3 months old


Mary seems quite taken with Fake Mom

Male model on the loose, showing off his big boy undies!

Celebrating his successful potty training with a yummy Frosty 
Our favorite game: pretend sleep.


Our new sleep trick with Mary Girl: the Magic Sleepsuit!  

Four months old!

SUCH a happy baby (AND such a handsome hubby...Mmmmhmmm!)

A cup of milk and a magazine 

Front porch picnickers

Sus is getting pretty good at photography!
This is where the pics get out of chronological order, as you'll see as you scroll...
We've been doing some preschool stuff at home (only things that require < 5 minutes of prep). Ice cream cone counting!

More preschool!

So much sugar 

Just felt like sitting in the dress up box for a bit

Potty training be like...  

Got to see the Gilberts and FiggyPop for a bday celebration, and these buddies are too funny!


Trying to take a good pic only to be ambushed by kids with water balloons

So thankful for them! 

Mary was made for this life

Cow Appreciation Day -- Pete and I have only missed one of these since its beginning.


Just a boy and his Pop.  (I LOVE THIS PICTURE SO MUCH.)

Crafting is fun....

Why not?