Monday, January 20, 2014

Babies Are Fickle and Chickens are Neat

January 15th, 2014 will go down in the books as the first night Susannah Jane Acker slept through the whole night without so much as a stir.  I, of course, woke up at 5 wondering if she was alive in there and proceeded to wake up every 10 minutes thereafter, anticipating her cry that never came.

Of course the very next day, Susannah was hit with a growth spurt and has been absolutely ravenous at 4:00am each day since.  But we know now that she's got it in her to make it through the night, so we're looking forward to getting back to that point again soon!

Also, it is important to note that we bought some Buff Orpingtons today.  They should start laying eggs by May!  Here's to not buying anymore eggs to feed my "grown-ass man" husband (how he likes to refer to himself) and our growing-booty girl baby.  Once we get our fruit trees and bushes planted and our spring garden started, we'll be regular locavores off our own land (and, I suppose, the land where Pete kills our meat).

Without further ado, here's a small sample of our entertainment this week.

Firstly, a video example of how Susannah's legs never stop.  Think changing her diaper is easy?  Think again!  Think changing her diaper is super cute?  Every time?  Minus the poo?  It sure is!

Nextly, some cute baby pics.

Heading outside for a little walk around the house with Daddy.
Tummy Time is slowly growing on us.
Susannah is becoming more and more interested in the TV when we have it on.  So during the NFL playoff games last night, she and I sat away from the TV to play but close enough for me to hear what was going on.  And yes, she is pants-less.
Playing in the musical gym.

Lastly, our new babies.  We are now a family of 7.

That coop is a Pete Acker original, folks, that he designed and built right in the shop next to where the coop resides.  
That's all for this week!

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