For the past week, the temperature outside has hardly reached above freezing and has most often been resting in the teens. Let's not talk about windchill. We did have some snow last week, which made the temps somewhat worth it, but I now have a new appreciation for above-freezing, non-rainy weather and a strong dislike of the opposite. When the weather is not conducive for a wee-little babe to survive more than a minute out there, we get a major case of cabin fever because we LOVE BEING OUTSIDE! So we are definitely looking forward to spring, which will hopefully come sometime soon after it snows another 4 inches this week...
We take selfies when we're bored stuck inside. |
Susannah has also started to make associations. I should really keep that at the singular,
an association. She now associates being laid on her back with her least favorite thing ever: being swaddled. Once swaddled, she likes it alright; but the
being swaddled part is another story. Bless her heart, now if she is even remotely tired and we lay her on her back -- be it on her little play mat, the couch, a blanket in the yard, etc. -- she starts her little cry for help. Luckily, it only takes a few seconds for her to go back to having a grand ole time once she realizes that it's not bedtime. Except for when it actually is bedtime. Then she's mad all over again, and the association is yet again validated.
I won't smile, but I'll look real cute for you, Mom. |
Since her hair was all greased-up in attempt to get rid of cradle cap, we went ahead and combed it into a nice, slick butt-cut. |
I like tummy time when I can actually see stuff! |
Lastly, for the very first time this morning, Susannah began to legitimately PLAY with one of her toys! Her favorite toy, Freddie the Firefly (as pictured in
THIS post), hangs on her bouncer. Each time she sat in her bouncer today, she would reach out and either hit it or grab it and smile so big multiple times!! It really is the little things... Love that girl.
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