Monday, December 9, 2013

So Many New Faces!

And so many new sounds!  I swear, Susannah is changing literally everyday.  She is 5 weeks old today, and it is truly hard to believe we've had her for that long -- while at the same time, it is truly hard to believe that we haven't always had her.  I'm beginning to forget what life was like without that little nugget!  I do have one fond, though quite vague, memory of what a full-night's sleep felt seems so long ago...  But, oh, the privilege of being the only one the Lord made able to provide nourishment for our sweet girl!  I am so happy to spend those moments in the wee hours of the night nursing her, looking at her, loving her, and praying for her.  Seriously, what a privilege.

Here are a few of her adorable faces:

I could just eat her up.  Couldn't you?  She's making lots of fun little noises now, too, which provide even more endless entertainment for Pete and me.  She's also figuring out how many decibels her cry can reach.  It's quite impressive.

Susannah is over 9 pounds now!  We had her one-month checkup last week, and what we suspected was yet again confirmed: she is one amazing baby!  Her head circumference has also increased since her 2-week checkup, putting her now in the NINETY-FIFTH percentile for that measurement... just another piece of tangible evidence that she is her father's daughter.  She also impressed everyone with how totally awesome and super chilled out she is while there:

I may have fed her in the parking lot before entering the office to induce a milk coma to make sure she kept her cool, but we can just keep that between us.  I also chose to not worry her with the details of what was going to happen during this appointment: a SHOT.  To be specific, the Hepatitis B shot.  If I could have captured that baby's face when the needle went in, we'd all be crying right now.  Though I didn't snap a pic at the time of the prick, I had to document the sweet bandaid they gave her:

BARBIE!  It may not have made her feel better since she hasn't been introduced to Barbie yet nor can she read, but it made her mommy feel better (a little, anyway).  She really only cried for about 10 seconds, so it wasn't too awful; but it seriously warms my heart that the second I picked her up off the table, she calmed down.  That made me want to cry more than the shot did.  I love that just holding that girl comforts her.  I hope that effect never subsides.  

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