Monday, January 13, 2014

A Glimmer of Hope

We have been so lucky that Susannah has been relatively easy during the nighttime hours.  Since about 4 weeks, she's been only waking up once, and over the course of the last month, she's been extending her time between night feedings like a champ.  This past Friday night, she cried for her paci at 4:05am, and that was it!  No feeding!  She went right back to sleep after it was popped in and slept until 7am.  WOW.  The next night, we had a dinner party to go to, so her schedule was a little off, but she still slept from 9:30pm until 4:15am, when she ate an early-morning breakfast and went right back to snoozing until 7:15am.  Two nights in a row of 7+ hours straight??  I thought we had arrived.

Then Sunday night happened.

Bedtime at 8:30.  Dreamfeed at 10:30.  Should sleep until at least 4, according to new pattern that she would obviously stick to...  Wakes at 1:30.  Wakes at 3:00.  Wakes at 5:00.  Wakes at 6:00.  Wakes at 6:45.  Poop EVERYWHERE.  Mommy picks up poop-soaked, crying Baby to remove poop-soaked swaddle and clothing only to notice these were not the only poop-soaked items.  Mommy straps baby in on changing table so she can strip crib of all things soiled -- everything but the mattress itself.  But if you know anything about cribs, you know that entire mattress must be removed in order to strip it of anything.  Mommy wakes Daddy to share in this poopy experience so crying Baby can eat and be happy and laundry can be relocated to washing machine.

And that's how our Monday began.

Of course, in the hour of play time that followed, Susannah was cooing and smiling more than ever, so all was forgotten.  I seem to remember using similar tactics with my parents as a teenager.'s learned so young.

And now, more proof of her cuteness:

Her favorite thing to watch, second only to the ceiling fan.  We play with this toy at least an hour a day.

Playing with Freddie the Firefly.  I don't think she even realized she was holding on to it.

Our dinner party outfit - cute as a BUTTON

We like Susannah to be versatile, so we let her nap in random places sometimes, such as a blanket pallet on the floor.

We lost power the night it got down to 15 degrees, so Pete put Susannah inside his jacket for a while, and she could not take her eyes off the candles!

Susannah will sit in my lap and follow my fingers up and down the keys for longer than she'll do most anything else.  Luckily, she isn't aware that I'm playing the one song I remember from middle school piano lessons over and over and over again...
And lastly, an adorable video of Susannah's reaction when I blow in her face:

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