Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Growing Girl

At our 6-month checkup last week, Susannah had some amazing stats:

48th percentile weight: 16 lbs
76th percentile length: 26 in
96th percentile head circumference: 44.5 cm  (whoa)

Those brains - wow!  Seriously, though, our Baby is smart.  For instance, now when she's trying to get our attention, she'll fake cry real loud, stop, and look at us to see if we're reacting.  She is also just about capable of removing her own diaper, as she quickly pulls off the tapes the second we get them in place on the changing table.  Oh, and she cries every time Obama comes on the television.  Smart girl.  

We had a great Mother's Day!  Pete, Susannah, and I headed to Richmond for the day on Saturday so that Brae and I could go out for lunch and a pedicure while Pete and Mike watched all the kids.  It was a really nice, relaxing afternoon.  Brae and I got home just after naptime (Pete and Mike had it so easy!) and spent the rest of the evening with the kids playing silly games, singing silly songs, and making silly faces.  Right before we were about to head back to Franklin, I stepped into the other room to gather up our things and this is what I heard: two babbling baby voices and 3 different hymns being sung simultaneously, each trying to be louder than the other two.  I couldn't help but take a second to listen as each of Mike and Brae's girls belted their respective song about Jesus while, of course, Uncle Petey tried to teach them how to turn breastpump parts into musical instruments (true story).  I love putting Susannah in the midst of that beautiful craziness!  Those girls love shouting praises to our God and desperately want whoever is near to notice their song and sing along.  Please, Lord, let our little girl choose to sing along one day. 

Lots of pics from this week!

Our stoic girl in her new shades.
She is such a movie star.

Watching Praise Baby with her legs crossed while I get dinner ready.  Those sneaky fingers are reaching for the iPad...
These girls LOVE Susannah!

Sus does not mind one bit being the center of attention.

Trying to get some giggles.

Baby holding baby

I finally got to snuggle with Nathanael!  

Susannah finds serious faces hilarious now.  So disciplining her later in life might be interesting.

This is why it's important to buckle your baby into her bouncer...

Just a little morning reading
She is officially a toe-sucker.

Further proof.
And some videos:

Oh, one more notable: one of our roosters, Pirate, is now in the refrigerator.  And I'll leave it at that...

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