Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Singing and Creeping and 37-Weeking!

That's a very Dr. Suess-esque title, isn't it?

Well our little year-and-a-half old (as of yesterday) is beginning one of my most favorite new things to date: singing!  It is absolutely the cutest thing that she does now.  She attempts to sing "Happy Birthday," a few songs from the Elmo clips we watch daily, and "Danger Zone" (which is a hilarious choice).  She's very modest about it, but smiles SO big when she's giving it a go.  There's a video below that I took a few weeks ago to send my dad of her mimicking my singing of "Danger Zone."

Susannah's new tricks also involve walking backward and creeping like a sleuth around the house.  Both are adorable and, as I'm sure you can imagine, hilarious.  

And yes, I'm 37 weeks with Baby John today!  I got to sneak another peek at him this morning in an ultrasound because the doc said last week that I am (again) measuring too small for his comfort.  Well, the ultrasound tech said that John is measuring close to 38 WEEKS actually, to which my doctor looked at me quite dumbfounded-ly and said, "I really just don't know WHERE you are hiding this baby!"  Me either, Doc, but praise the Lord John's measuring well! So the waiting game is getting shorter, and we are getting excited.  Please pray with us that John's labor goes just as smoothly as Susannah's!

Excited about having another snuggly babe around THIS MONTH!

We love rocking.

Climbing up and down the slide all day!  And get a load of those rosy-red cheeks--definitely got those from her mama.

Swinging with our pal Barrett
Putting a sock on her hand because that's normal.  She does it multiple times a day.
You may need to turn the volume up some for this, as her modest voice gets so cute and quiet when she sings:

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