Tuesday, March 24, 2015

"Nigh Nigh"

That's just a short segment of what game Susannah wants to play with us all day long.  Pete and I could not stop laughing last night as she did this same routine over and over and over again.  I mean, the slow let-down is HILARIOUS, you have to admit.  I know I'm biased, but man, we've got some good entertainment over here.

I feel the need to clarify my garlic post from a couple weeks ago: I did get that nasty stomach bug in December right before leaving for the Bahamas, but I haven't read anything about garlic being good for stomach things...just colds and the like.  So I should have said that I survived the cold and flu season, rather than the sick-season because that stomach bug sho nuf knocked me on my hiney.

I passed my 3-hr glucose test!  I think next time around I am going to ask to just skip the 1-hr test because, as Pete put it, "Sal, there's a lot of things you're really good at in life, and the 1-hr glucose test is not one of them."  I resign to that fact now.

We're heading to Collierville for the weekend and are looking forward to seeing the whole Mike Ware clan.  Katie and Brian will be in town, AND we will get to meet Eric and Lauren's newest, Hendricks Michael!

Watching for more cars to drive by so she can wave and say, "hey!"

I did not ask for this pose; for the first time EVER, she sat there smiling and waiting for me to get my phone out!

Telling Daddy it's almost that time again...

Uh oh...

Reading snuggles with my babies

Our after-church ritual: climb the stairs over and over again.

Lastly, here's a video of what happens to a clean house over the course of a day. (I obviously don't count my laundry/recycling/catch-all room as a part of our "clean" house...yikes!)

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